PT Clemont Finance Indonesia participation in organizing Korindo Group blood donations

PT Clemont Finance Indonesia participation in organizing Korindo Group blood donations


With the theme "Be a reason for someone to smile, let's donate blood" which was organized by Korindo Group on Thursday, June 21 2024, supported by PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) and PT Clemont Finance Indonesia.


According to Agung Cahyanto, Manager of the Korindo Foundation, "The average person is happy if there is a blood donation activity, but they are constrained by time and distance. For this reason, if there are members of the public or workers from other companies who want to participate in blood donation, we invite them. And we from the Korindo Foundation also put up banners at several points around the company to socialize this activity."


The blood donation activity was also conveyed by Eddy Susanto Sukardi, as Director of PT Clemont Finance Indonesia, who had the opportunity to donate blood.


"We want PT Clemont Finance Indonesia to be able to take part in corporate social responsibility activities towards the community, one of which is by participating in blood donation activities together with the Korindo Group and the community. "Because we see that PMI currently still has a lot of blood shortages and many people are asking for blood donations, one of which is Clemont who wants to participate in (fulfilling the availability of) blood at PMI"


PT Clemont Finance Indonesia as part of the Korindo Group realizes that the Company is a facilitator for stocking blood bags which saves many lives.